architecture + urban design


degenhartSHEDD architecture + urban design is an award-winning design studio with over 35 years’ experience and unique expertise in micro-lot and mixed-use design.


Amy Degenhart, LFRAIA
Martyn Shedd, MAIPM


Lend Lease
Bubbl Up
Economic Development Queensland
Byron Shire Council
Gold Coast City Council
Andrew Winter
+ more

Suite 17, 3 Alison Street (Parkrise Building)
Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217

PO Box 302
Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217
+61 432 861 536


degenhartSHEDD is a multi-award-winning architecture + urban design practice based on Queensland’s Gold Coast. With over 35 years’ experience in shaping streetscapes and building communities, we combine thoughtful architecture with engaging urban design to create vibrant urban villages. Our signature design projects focus on the creative use of space to maximise value and amenity for occupiers and communities – now and into the future. Specialising in micro-lot and mixed-use design, we offer a unique package of passion and proficiency when it comes to:

  • developing, designing and delivering innovative housing products

  • solving challenging development issues without sacrificing neighbourhood character

  • balancing scale with architectural design in large development projects.

To learn more, click here for a detailed look at who we are and how we’ve applied these skills in the real world to create vibrant urban villages at every scale. If these skills are relevant to a project you’re working on, reach out using the contact details on this page. To stay updated on our work, you can also sign up to our newsletter below.

  • In addition to our architectural practice, we also have an award-winning development company, Bubbl Up. Bubbl Up delivers innovative and affordable architecturally designed housing in Queensland. For more information on our projects, including purchase opportunities, visit Bubbl Up here.